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Estabelecendo o formato da Gincana

(pt) Gincana Monstra: Abrindo o código Preparando o terreno

Introdução Essa atividade pode ser toda realizada num mesmo encontro, junto com as atividades de...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Establishing the format of the Gincana

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Laying the foundations

Introduction This activity can be carried out in the same meeting, together with the activities ...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Sonhando a Gincana

(pt) Gincana Monstra: Abrindo o código Preparando o terreno

Roteiro detalhado para sessões Sessão 1: Mística de chegada [20 minutos] Objetivo Descontrair ...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Dreaming the Gincana

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Laying the foundations

Detailed script to sessions. Session 1: Arrival mystique [20 minutes] Objective To relax and c...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Construindo a cosmovisão

(pt) Gincana Monstra: Abrindo o código Preparando o terreno

O que é cosmovisão? O que sentimos quando vemos uma revoada de pássaros? O que pensamos ao saber...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Objetivos de aprendizagem

(pt) Gincana Monstra: Abrindo o código Introdução e objetivos de aprendizagem

A metodologia da Gincana Monstra foi pensada para ser um processo de fortalecimento de redes, que...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira


(pt) Gincana Monstra: Abrindo o código Introdução e objetivos de aprendizagem

Neste módulo, será apresentado o passo a passo para a criação de uma Gincana, de forma que possa ...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Maintaining communication spaces and keeping the network alive

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Reaping the harvest and the opening paths

The Monster Gincana methodology is based on building networks of feminist solidarity, so one of t...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira


(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Reaping the harvest and the opening paths

As we mentioned in the introduction of this module, the term Gincana is a reference to our childh...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira


(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

It is interesting that the facilitators periodically send the participants the general schedule o...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

In-depth or hands-on sessions [script]

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

Moments designed to do specific activities, hands-on, creative, hands-on labs, open to anyone who...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Aláfias [script]

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

Moments of recognition and appreciation of the path taken to that point, even if it is not yet th...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

On-call sessions

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

They happen over the course of weeks with the goal of facilitating the participants' interaction ...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Main activities [script]

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

Moments to group all the participants with discussions on central and important contents for the ...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira


(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

This structure basically consists of:Main sessions + Support Material + In-depth or hands-on sess...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira


(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Fertilizing the soil

Resources are everything that will enable the facilitators to carry out the Gincana. It is not j...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Macro and micro themes script

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Fertilizing the soil

Objective This script seeks to present a possibility to facilitate the construction and organiza...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

A little gift

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Laying the foundations

Download our Zine! Reference materials - for facilitating learning processes in digital care: R...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Defining, inviting and mobilizing participants

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Laying the foundations

After building the cosmovision of your Monster Gincana, it is time to think about the participant...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira

Building the cosmovision

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Laying the foundations

What is cosmovision? What do we feel when we see a flock of birds? What is our first thought whe...

Updated 9 months ago by Kira