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As we mentioned in the introduction of this module, the term Gincana is a reference to our childhood memories and to this format of play, which requires a lot of collective work, creativity and collaboration to get to the end. In the Monster Gincana there is not only one winner; winning, here, means that we go through the journey together. Originally in the Gincanas, the first one to complete the route is awarded a prize for the victory.
In the Gincana Monstra we will celebrate and reward ourselves with the exchanges, with the recognition, with our existences, our shared and acquired knowledge. To give even more materiality to this, we can use our creativity to create other prizes. If it is possible, we can exchange cards rewarding each other. Or create a pack of stickers with images and themes that make sense to that group, and that can be used to liven up the conversations in the group, even after the Gincana, helping to maintain this important space for the strengthening of this network. Many other things can be thought of for these prizes. The facilitators can think of something in advance and prepare the prizes during the Gincana such as stickers, pins, or they can propose to the participants to think together what they want to give and receive as prizes.

Work on the idea that the prizes are not rewards for participating in the Gincana, but resources that will walk with the participants, strengthening them from then on.

For Gincanas that have financial resources available, the prizes can be materials that strengthen the participating groups. During the initial interviews and along the way, gather information about what items and materials can strengthen the work and care in each group. We suggest, in this case, that the awards be customized according to the groups' needs. We are multiple and with our particularities, and we base ourselves on equity, there is no need for the awards to be identical to each participant, rather we should respect the contexts in which the groups are inserted and the local realities. Think about opening thoughtful and dedicated conversations. Think not only of material items but also of services. One group may for example need a mobile phone, another may need an external hard drive, while another may need professional guidance of some sort.

During the Gincana the facilitators can organize information such as addresses, the possibility of delivery either physically or via carriers and couriers. Also, the facilitators can organize the needs and desires and think about how to make the deliveries as close as possible to the end of the Gincana. Some attention is needed to make this process happen throughout the lifetime of the Gincana, considering that this can generate work beyond the sessions and meetings. If possible, think about creating a group of facilitators or collaborators that will be responsible for thinking, creating and, if necessary, buying and distributing the prizes.