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This structure basically consists of:

Main sessions + Support Material + In-depth or hands-on sessions + On-call sessions + Aláfias +
Collective care and self-care activities.

One session or more, which we call Main Sessions, which deal with a theme in a broader way, with discussions, sharing, suggestions for experiences, always starting from a deconstruction of paradigms already culturally imposed on LBTQIA+ women and people, working on the theme at the level of feeling, seeking to raise what that theme raises among the participants.

For these sessions, the facilitators can share support material, which consists of producing and/or gathering orientation materials, such as texts, articles, videos, podcasts, guides, tutorials, manuals, step-by-step, zines, and any other type of content that provides the participants with information, stimulation, orientation, among others, about the theme that will be addressed during the learning cycle of this macro-theme.

The Support Materials are like a " pack" or a "bag" that each participant will receive and can access as she or he wishes or needs. Along the way, the participants will be able to add other things and materials that they find along the way in their "packets" or "bags".

The following session can either deepen the debate on the theme, with the participation of guests for exchanges that broaden the experiences, or practical activities that can either propose experiences, workshops or training on digital tools, for example.

After these sessions, we suggest the realization of one or more on-call sessions or Q&As, spaces in which the facilitators are available to the participants during a certain period. These on-call spaces serve to clear up doubts related to the themes worked on, but they can also be spaces for the participants to bring up general doubts. They are moments in which participants and facilitators come together around a real issue to find a solution in a collective way.

Finally, we suggest the Alafias (Celebrations), which are activities designed to acknowledge and celebrate the group's journey to that point in the journey together.