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Establishing the format of the Gincana


This activity can be carried out in the same meeting, together with the activities of Constructing the Cosmovision so that, upon contacting the participants, all this information can already be offered, clearing up any doubts that may initially arise. The objective of this activity is to collectively build a format for the Gincana, thinking about the different aspects that constitute it, including collective care and self-care, in a way that goes through the whole Gincana. In this activity, we want to come out with decisions about:

  • Duration time
  • Dedication expected from the participants
  • How the teams will be structured
  • The activities will be synchronous or asynchronous
  • There will be moments of extra dedication in the workshops
  • Will they have to deliver something?
  • If we will have mentoring or accompaniment.

Who is this activity for?

All the people who are/will be building the Gincana.

Number of participants

We suggest 4 to 12 people.

Estimated time



In-person or online.


  • Card stocks
  • Afree wall or flipchart
  • Appropriate place to divide and work in groups
  • Pens
  • Marker pens


Based on their previous experiences as participants and organizers of both activities and events, and also by using their imagination of what the Gincana could look like, they will discuss and write down ideas for the format of the whole Gincana

Detailed script

Session 1 - Learning from memories [30 minutes]

In groups, we share the experiences we had in learning processes, what was cool and what wasn't as regards the format of the activity, infrastructure, conviviality, tools, duration, activities, care proposals... In short, everything that can outline the activity we are building. All ideas should be noted down on a flipchart. Some guiding questions:

  • Of all the events and processes you've attended, do any have a format that you find inspiring? What did you enjoy and why?
  • How do we want to welcome people? What creates an environment that invites learning?
  • Is it a single process, in which the group moves together, or an autonomist process, split into tracks? Why?
  • Will the activities be organized by us or will we open it up for participants to propose activities?
  • To have a honest conversation about real time dedication of activists for the activities, duration, amount of content and financial resources available for the learning process of the Gincana, in order to make realistic decisions.
  • What materials, infrastructure and tools can help with the process?

REMINDER! Create your own list of provocative questions according to your given reality.

"Form" can be defined as the part of any phenomenon that has the function of motivating meaning in the mind of an interpreter. This sense motivation is as a rule empirical in nature, which makes the notion of "form" often associated with the materiality of perceptible phenomena.

Session 2 - Sharing and organizing [30 minutes]

Now, everyone in the bigger circle shares their ideas and conversations. Every new idea is written down by one person on a different card that is stuck on the wall by other people, organizing the ideas by proximity and affinity.
The conversation is concluded by talking about the points of disagreement, in order to arrive at a possible place to be realized. However, not everything necessarily has to come out of this meeting aligned; some points can mature over the course of the next team meetings.

Now it is time to send out the invitations and mobilize participants.