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Learning goals

The methodology of the Gincana Monstra was designed to be a process of strengthening networks, which welcomes and includes the participants, respecting the knowledge, experiences and repertoires they bring with them, based on the assumption that all people already have a knowledge in relation to ancestral and traditional technology. The idea is to encourage the participants to recognize themselves as holders and producers of knowledge of technologies, from ancestral to digital.
Through the meetings, discussions, proposed activities, practices, and support materials, this methodology allows the participants to reflect about individual and collective, anti-capitalist care, and to have contact with tools and practices that will help them in their daily activities so that they can be safer and more protected when using digital technologies. At the end of this module, it is expected that participants

  • Get all the information needed to adapt and organise your own version of online Gincana.
  • Be aware of all the important steps and minimum resources, to run a Gincana.
  • Apply concepts and practices of anti-capitalist self-care and collective care, in learning processes;
  • Leave motivated and inspired to multiply the knowledge acquired in their community and activist circles;
  • Have a deep reflection on the political role in the use of technology.
  • Feel challenged in the construction of learning processes in digital care from a feminist and decolonising approach. The proposal is to present a methodology that allows for the inclusion of different themes to be treated according to the needs, desires, demands, and contexts of the group of participants.

This module includes:

Preparation activities

Guidance and suggestions on how to take the first steps in building and planning a Monster Gincana. It works on the importance of cosmovision, how to make the first approaches, previous information about participants and how to maintain engagement before and during the course.

Learning paths

Addresses the construction of a central trail where the Macro Themes and contents are connected and build a narrative and learning path.

Learning activities

Which deals with the formats of activities, synchronous and asynchronous, in-depth activities or practices to explore concepts and tools related to care, building bridges between feminist care and digital security. It also suggests scripts for conducting the activities.

Post production

Provides suggestions for facilitators on how to keep the network active.

Who Gincana Monstra is for?

For every activist or organisation that wants to organise learning processes in digital care. The information in this module is useful for both online and live activities.

Number of participants

We suggest 8 to 25 people.

Estimated time for the Gincana

01 to 12 months.


About resources