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490 total results found

Defining, inviting and mobilizing participants

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Laying the foundations

After building the cosmovision of your Monster Gincana, it is time to think about the participants. Introduction After building the Cosmovision of your Monster Gincana, it is time to think about the participants.Who are these participants? How to make the ...

In-depth or hands-on sessions [script]

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

Moments designed to do specific activities, hands-on, creative, hands-on labs, open to anyone who wants/is able to participate. Internet where you live, what do you feed on? - script This activity was carried out during the Gincana Monstra online, as an extr...

Construindo a cosmovisão

(pt) Gincana Monstra: Abrindo o código Preparando o terreno

O que é cosmovisão? O que sentimos quando vemos uma revoada de pássaros? O que pensamos ao saber que uma criança sofreu uma queda? O que refletimos ao presenciar um pôr do sol? Às ideias, sensações, crenças e valores que permeiam o nosso ser, estar e sentir o...

Objetivos de aprendizagem

(pt) Gincana Monstra: Abrindo o código Introdução e objetivos de aprendizagem

A metodologia da Gincana Monstra foi pensada para ser um processo de fortalecimento de redes, que acolhe e inclui as participantes, respeita os saberes, experiências e repertórios que trazem consigo.  Entendendo que todas as pessoas já possuem um conhecimento...


(pt) Gincana Monstra: Abrindo o código Introdução e objetivos de aprendizagem

Neste módulo, será apresentado o passo a passo para a criação de uma Gincana, de forma que possa ser apropriada, remixada e adaptada, assim como um código aberto. Não pretendemos apresentar uma fórmula fechada, mas sim trazer um guia de possibilidades, compart...


(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

It is interesting that the facilitators periodically send the participants the general schedule of activities of the Gincana, and also the schedule of activities related to the cycle or macro-theme that they are starting, which can be weekly, for example. Thi...

Collective care and self-care activities [script]

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

The following are some activities that comprised an organizational care process.These sessions were conducted in-person, but can be adapted for online activities. Objective Provoking reflection and collecting strategies to promote feminist intergenerational ...

Aláfias [script]

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

Moments of recognition and appreciation of the path taken to that point, even if it is not yet the end point.This deserves a celebration, a commemoration, an open path to continue the journey. This celebration can be marked in different ways, producing somethi...

On-call sessions

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

They happen over the course of weeks with the goal of facilitating the participants' interaction with the tools and the content made available asynchronously. Some meetings may be thematic to stimulate the exploration and use of certain tools or the access to ...

Main activities [script]

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

Moments to group all the participants with discussions on central and important contents for the journey of the Gincana. Can be synchronous or asynchronous. Introduction to the infrastructure of affection The activity below was done online, during the Monste...

Gathering precious information

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Laying the foundations

Invitations accepted, it's time to gather precious information! Introduction After elaborating the Cosmovision, and still on preparing the terrain, it is very important that the people who will inhabit this universe are heard. Here it is fundamental to think...

Maintaining communication spaces and keeping the network alive

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Reaping the harvest and the opening paths

The Monster Gincana methodology is based on building networks of feminist solidarity, so one of the general goals is that at the end of the journey and after that, the network built alongside the process can be maintained.The spaces created for the exchanges b...


(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Reaping the harvest and the opening paths

As we mentioned in the introduction of this module, the term Gincana is a reference to our childhood memories and to this format of play, which requires a lot of collective work, creativity and collaboration to get to the end. In the Monster Gincana there is n...


(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Sowing and seeding

This structure basically consists of:Main sessions + Support Material + In-depth or hands-on sessions + On-call sessions + Aláfias +Collective care and self-care activities.One session or more, which we call Main Sessions, which deal with a theme in a broader ...


(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Fertilizing the soil

Resources are everything that will enable the facilitators to carry out the Gincana. It is not just a matter of financial or material resources. First of all, we consider presence, availability, engagement, curiosity, respect, trust, tranquility, flexibility,...

Macro and micro themes script

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Fertilizing the soil

Objective This script seeks to present a possibility to facilitate the construction and organization of macro and micro themes for the Gincana. In order to meet the demands and needs of the group, but also taking into account the expertises, experiences and d...

Narrative thread

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Fertilizing the soil

These are the Macro-Themes that will form what we call the Narrative Thread or the Conducting Thread. The facilitators should think about where they will start from and where they want to go, always keeping in mind the main objective of the Gincana. It is imp...

A little gift

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Laying the foundations

Download our Zine! Reference materials - for facilitating learning processes in digital care: References of TNDC zine.pdf - Documonstres.pdf

Tool kit

(en) Gincana Monstra: Opening the code Laying the foundations

When we talk about tools for the realization of the Monster Gincana, we think about what can help during the whole process, whether for the realization of activities and sessions or for communications, so we are talking from e-mail, messenger applications, to ...

Sonhando a Gincana

(pt) Gincana Monstra: Abrindo o código Preparando o terreno

Roteiro detalhado para sessões Sessão 1: Mística de chegada [20 minutos] Objetivo Descontrair e criar vínculos afetivos. Material Sino e aromatizador natural Como De preferência em duplas, conectando as pessoas do grupo que menos se conhecem. “Quem voc...