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Learning objectives and activities

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, the participants will:

  • Gain an understanding of internet governance and identify the stakeholders.
  • Deconstruct governance over sexuality-related content online.
  • Develop an understanding of the intersectionality between internet rights and sexuality rights.
  • Gain an enhanced appreciation of the link between social capital and internet governance.
  • Identify the added value of engaging in online spaces and the implications of that “power” towards strategy development and implementation.

Learning Activities

The learning activities in this module have been divided into three kinds:

Starter Activities

Starter Activities are meant to get the participants to start thinking about a topic and spark discussions. For the trainer/facilitator, these activities can be diagnostic tools to observe what levels of understanding the group has, and to adjust the workshop based on that.

Deepening Activities


Deepening Activities are meant to expand and dig into the topics and themes.Who is 

Tactical Activities


Tactical Activities are meant to respond to multiple learning objectives in practical ways. These include hands-on exercises and practical strategising activities.

Small Stories


This module also contains Small Stories on 3 topics with reflection questions for discussion. These are

Case Studies


Case Studies, which can be used to learn, discuss and engage in groups, give deeper insight and experiences into

Should you wish to learn more about getting started in organising an engaging, collaborative and safe workshop space, please visit – Getting Started