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Resources are everything that will enable the facilitators to carry out the Gincana.

It is not just a matter of financial or material resources. First of all, we consider presence, availability, engagement, curiosity, respect, trust, tranquility, flexibility, solidarity, listening, respect, and joy as necessary and indispensable resources for the realization of the journey.

Even if immaterial, these resources always need to be nurtured and valued. In cases in which the facilitators have financial resources for the realization of the Gincana, they can invest them in important points such as

  • The construction of a secure infrastructure;
  • The hiring of secure servers;
  • Availability of prepaid mobile internet for participants who need it.

These are some of the examples, among other things that will vary according to the reality of the participants.
In addition, these resources can also be invested in hiring services that allow, for example, the inclusion of hearing-impaired participants, through sign language translators or language translators, in the case of participants from different countries.
Other services we recommend are:

  • Hiring graphic facilitation: this allows for a more creative record that can be shared, used and taken up again whenever needed.
  • Besides graphic facilitation, think also about other languages that allow the registration of the sessions, such as poetic facilitation. The written language can be more creative than just the formal record, and it can also rely on orality. Poetic facilitation or radio production and podcasts can be allied tools in this journey.
  • Video production, such as tutorials or any other type of content. Think of videos as important languages in the learning process, especially if you are dealing with groups that use orality more than writing. Videos or recordings can also be records of sessions that will allow participants to follow the journey asynchronously.
  • Create or use games as a learning methodology. Games can be fun ways to work with more dense or technical content, or even more fun ways to provide moments of discussion about the themes worked on in the sessions.
  • Graphic design: this is a resource that can greatly assist in the communication of the Gincana, helping to create a visual identity. Graphic design can also be used in the organization of materials to be shared or published.
  • Speakers and specialists who can make presentations or provide training, depending on the demands of the group of participants.
  • Holistic therapists and psychologists can help in moments of mediation of conversations, moments of conflict that may occur, or in cases of participants who are experiencing stress or burn out. It is worth remembering that this resource can also be used by the facilitators and collaborators themselves. This is a strategy to care for the group that is performing the Gincana.
  • Compensation for working hours! Consider, if possible, the remuneration for the working hours of both the services hired and the people invited to participate as collaborators, whether they are speakers, therapists, technicians, etc.