Learning objectives and learning activities
This page will guide you through the Module's correct use and understanding. Following the Learning Paths, with activities of varying depth, should allow participants to obtain a better grasp of the studied subjects.
Learning Objectivesobjectives
By the end of this module, the participants will be able to:
- understand the concepts that underlie risk assessment
- apply risk assessment frameworks on their personal and / or organisational security
- come up with their own way of doing risk assessment that is relevant to their needs
Learning Activitiesactivities
Starter Activitiesactivities
- Introduction to risk assessment (presentation + discussion)
- Assessing
CommunicationcommunicationPracticespractices - Daily
PiepieChartchart andRiskrisk - The street at night
Deepening Activitiesactivities
- Re-thinking
Riskrisk and the five layers of risk (presentation + discussion + group work) - Data life-cycle as way to understand risk